Antonio Puri

Antonio Puri was born in Chandigarh, India and raised in the Himalayas where he attended English and International boarding schools. Later he attended the Academy of Art in San Francisco and Coe College in Iowa for a bachelor’s degree in Art and later a JD degree from the University of Iowa. He has exhibited his work in numerous solo exhibitions all over the world including Sundaram Tagore Gallery, Singapore, Centro de Arte Contemporaneo Wifredo Lam, Museum of Contemporary Art of Bogota, Colombia, Museo de Arte de Tolima, Gallery La Cometa, Colombia, Art Depot, Austria, The Guild, NY, Loft gallery, India, Nu Art Gallery in Santa Fe, Twelve Gates, Philadelphia, Philadelphia Art Alliance, and a two person show at the Noyes Museum, NJ, among others. He has also participated in numerous group exhibitions worldwide including venues like Pereira Art Museum, Colombia, Sundaram Tagore Gallery, NY, Essl Museum, Austria, Hammond Museum, NY, Queens Museum, NY, Gallery Espace, New Delhi, Edsviks Konsthall, Stockholm, MOP Gallery, Sydney, Musee du Chateau, France, Corcoran Gallery in DC, and Minneapolis Institute of Arts, MN, among others. He has exhibited his work in over a dozen museums worldwide and museum collections include National Gallery of Modern Art, Mauritius, Museum of Contemporary Art, Bogota, Colombia, Tolima Art Museum, Colombia, Albertina Museum, Vienna, Austria, Noyes Museum, NJ, Musee du Chateau, France, Centro de Arte Contemporaneo Wifredo Lam, and Bergen Museum of Art and Science, NJ among others. His work has been reviewed in the New York Times, Washington Post, Philadelphia Inquirer, Indian Express, Art das Kunstmagazin, El Tiempo, among several other periodicals. He has done residencies in Colombia, Hungary, Bulgaria, South Africa, Serbia, Mauritius, India, Denmark, and Romania. Puri currently lives and works in Bogota, Colombia.

Artist Statement
My expression of the self continuously evolves in an effort to challenge perceptions and deconstruct identifying labels used by others. Constructs of different aspects of the self are limited; is my existence a microcosm within the universe or do I make art that transcends individuality to connect with Oneness? Are all descriptions of who I am truly encompassing? My art comes from personal expression. It is multilayered and complex with veneers, glazes, varnishes of emotions, transgressions, singularity, obsession, and enigma. I am interested in comparing connections between my eastern roots and my western experiences. I embrace the possibility that we can exist in a world free from labels.

Click the link below to download Antonio's CV.

Bridgette Mayer Gallery   709 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106   tel 215 413 8893   fax 215 413 2283   Site by exhibit-E™