Jon Poblador


Jon Poblador is a Filipino American contemporary artist and art teacher who has been quietly making art for the past twenty years. He has an MFA degree in painting from the University of Pennsylvania and has modestly exhibited his work in Philadelphia, New York City, Phoenix, Guangzhou, and Hong Kong -- where he currently resides with his wife, Xue Ying, and their mildly-crazy dog, Otis.

Artist Statement

Repetition is an important ritual in many forms of religion. In some types of meditation, for example, a person clears their mind of thought to focus on each breath or sound. This can create a sense of calmness, timelessness, and a heightened state of awareness. This feeling of elation or spiritual enlightenment is often seen as an encounter with the divine.

My work explores meditation through the use of marks and rectangular shapes within a grid. The process of creation is as important as the visual result. By repeating shapes, paint layers, and marks, I try to express the tranquility and concentration central to the practice.

The grid represents order, interconnectedness, and balance. Compositionally, and concerning color, patterns fall into two categories: mostly monochromatic pieces that show a clear, uncluttered mind; and multi-color arrangements that reflect the constant ebb and flow of thoughts. Each artwork invites viewers to engage in observation and quiet introspection.

Click on the link below to download Allen's CV.

Bridgette Mayer Gallery   709 Walnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19106   tel 215 413 8893   fax 215 413 2283   Site by exhibit-E™